
Body short, muscular, compact; great symmetry; elastic gallop; ambling
or pacing characteristic of trot or walk.
EARS: Medium-sized; carried flat to head; moderately arched.
NECK: Fairly long; arched gracefully; well-coated with hair.
LOIN: Stout; gently arched.
TAIL: Preferably none; should never exceed 1 1/2-2 in. in
adults; puppies' tails docked at first joint if born with tails.
SKULL: Capacious, squarely formed; well-covered with hair;
well-arched parts over eyes.
EYES: Vary with colour; very dark preferred.
NOSE: Black; large; capacious.
TEETH: Strong, large; evenly placed; level.
JAW: Fairly long; strong; square; cut off.
STOP: Well-defined.
Sloping, narrow at points; lower at shoulder than at loin.
FORELEGS: Straight; good bone; length medium; not leggy;
FEET: Small, round; toes well-arched; pads thick, hard.
HINDQUARTERS: Round, muscular; hams densely coated.
HOCKS: Well let-down.
RIBS: Well-sprung; brisket deep; capacious.
COAT: Profuse; good hard texture, not straight; shaggy,
free from curl; undercoat waterproof.
COLOUR: Grey, grizzle, blue or blue-merled with or without
white markings or in reverse. Shades of brown or fawn objectionable.
SIZE: Height, males 22in and up; females slightly less;
measurement from shoulder to stern practically same as height.
Type, soundness, balance,character more important than size.
APPEARANCE: Strong, square-looking dog with great symmetry
and overall soundness. Absolutely free from legginess, profusely
coated all over. A thick-set, muscular, able-bodied dog with a
most intelligent expression. The natural outline should not be
artificially changed by scissoring or clipping.
Of great stamina, exhibiting a gently rising topline and a pear-shaped
body when viewed from above. The gait has a typical roll when
ambling or walking. Bark has a distinctive toned quality.
A biddable dog of even disposition. Bold, faithful and trustworthy,
with no suggestion of nervousness or unprovoked aggression.
AND SKULL: In proportion to the
size of the body. Skull capacious, rather square. Well arched above
eyes, stop well defined. Muzzle strong, square and truncated, measuring
approximately half of the total head length. Nose large and black.
Nostrils wide.
Set well apart. Dark or wall eyes. Two blue eyes acceptable. Light
eyes undesirable. Pigmentation on the eye rim is preferred.
Small and carried flat to side of head.
Teeth strong, large and evenly placed. Scissor bite - jaws strong
with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, i.e. upper
teeth closely overlapping lower teeth and set square to the jaws.
Pincer tolerated but undesirable.
Fairly long, strong, arched gracefully.
Forelegs perfectly straight, with plenty of bone, holding body well
from ground. Elbows fitting close to brisket. Shoulders should be
well laid back, being narrower at the point of withers than at the
point of shoulder. Loaded shoulders undesirable. Dog standing lower
at withers than loin.
Rather short and compact, with well sprung ribs, and deep capacious
Loin very sturdy, broad and gently arched, quarters well covered, round
and muscular, the second thigh is long and well developed, the stifle
well turned, and the hocks set low. From the rear the hocks should be
quite straight, with the feet turning neither in nor out.
Small, round and tight, toes well arched, pads thick and hard. Dew claws
should be removed.
Customarily completely docked.
When walking, exhibits a bear-like roll from the rear. When trotting,
shows effortless extension and strong driving rear action, with legs
moving straight along line of travel. Very elastic at the gallop. At
slow speeds, some dogs may tend to pace. When moving, the head carriage
may adopt a naturally lower position.
Profuse, of good harsh texture, not straight, but shaggy and free from
curl. Undercoat of waterproof pile. Head and skull well covered with
hair, ears moderately coated, neck well coated, forelegs well coated
all round, hindquarters more heavily coated than rest of body. Quality,
texture, and profusion to be considered above mere length.
Any shade of grey, grizzle or blue. Body and hindquarters of solid colour
with or without white socks. White patches in the solid area to be discouraged.
Head, neck, forequarters and underbelly to be white with or without
markings. Any shade of brown undesirable.
Height: dogs: 61 cms (24 inches) and upwards; bitches: 56 cms (22 inches)
and upwards. Type and symmetry of greatest importance, and on no account
to be sacrificed to size alone.
Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault
and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be
in exact proportion to its degree.
Male animals should have two appearantly normal testicles fully descended
into the scrotum.
APPEARANCE - A strong, compact,
square, balanced dog. Taking him all around he is profusely, but
not excessively coated, thickset, muscular and able-bodied. These
qualities, combined with his agility, fit him for the demanding
tasks required of a shepherd's or drover's dog. Therefore, soundness
is of the greatest importance. His bark is loud with a distinctive
"pot-casse" ring in it.
SIZE, PROPORTION, SUBSTANCE - Type, character and balance
are of greater importanceand are on no account to be sacrificed
to size alone. Size - Height (measured from top of withers
to the ground), Dogs: 22 inches (55.8 cm) and upward. Bitches:
21 inches (53.3 cm) and upward. Proportion - Length (measured
from point of shoulder to point of ischium /tuberosity/) practically
the same as the height. Absolutely free from legginess or weaselness.
Substance - Well muscled with plenty of bone.
HEAD - A most intelligent expression. Eyes - Brown,
blue or one of each. If brown, very dark is preferred. If blue,
a pearl, china or wall-eye is considered typical. An amber or
yellow eye is most objectionable. Ears - Medium sized and
carried flat to the side of the head. Skull - Capacious
and rather squarely formed giving plenty of room for brain power.
The parts over the eyes (superorbital ridges) are well arched.
The whole, well covered with hair. Stop - Well defined.
Jaw - Fairly long, strong and truncated. Attention is particularly
called to the above properties, as a long, narrow head or snipy
muzzle is a deformity. Nose - Always black, large and capacious.
Teeth - Strong, large and evenly placed. The bite is level
or tight scissors.
TOPLINE, BODY - Neck - Fairly
long and arched gracefully. Topline - Stands lower at the withers
than at the loin with no indication of softness or weakness. Attention
is particularly called to this topline as it is a distinguishing characteristic
of the breed. Body - Rather short and very compact, broader at
the rump than at the shoulders, ribs well sprung and brisket deep and
capacious. Neither slab-sided nor barrel- chested. The loin is very
stout and gently arched. Tail - Docked close to the body, when not naturally
bobtailed. FOREQUARTERS - Shoulders well laid back and narrow
at the points. The forelegs dead straight with plenty of bone. The measurements
from the withers to the elbow and from the elbow to the ground are practically
the same. HINDQUARTERS - Round and muscular with well let down
hocks. When standing, the metatarsi are perpendicular to the ground
when viewed from any angle. FEET - Small and round, toes well
arched, pads thick and hard, feet pointing straight ahead. COAT
- Profuse, but not so excessive as to give the impression of the dog
being overly fat, and of a good hard texture; not straight, but shaggy
and free from curl. Quality and texture of coat to be considered above
mere profuseness. Softness or flatness of coat to be considered a fault.
The undercoat is a waterproof pile when not removed by grooming or season.
Ears coated moderately. The whole skull well covered with hair. The
neck well coated with hair. The forelegs well covered all around. The
hams densely coated with a thick, long jacket in excess of any other
part. Neither the natural outline nor the natural texture of the coat
may be changed by any artificial means except that the feet and rear
may be trimmed for cleanliness. COLOR - Any shade of gray, grizzle,
blue or blue merle with or without white markings or in reverse. Any
shade of brown or fawn to be considered distinctly objectionable and
not to be encouraged. GAIT - When trotting, movement is free
and powerful, seemingly effortless, with good reach and drive, and covering
maximum ground with minimum steps. Very elastic at a gallop. May amble
or pace at slower speeds. TEMPERAMENT - An adaptable, intelligent
dog of even disposition, with no sign of aggression, shyness or nervousness.
