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< Dog Park > |
+385 (0) 51 851 087
Mob. +385(0)91 522 44 27 |
+385(0)51 851 087
Mob. +385(0)91 12 11 358 |
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Dog Park Clelia is a park of dogs to exercise and play off-leash in a controlled enviroment under the supervision of their owner. Typically, dogs are taken on daily walks, but because of strict leash lows, they can not run free or easily socialise with other dogs. Dog park Clelia allows owners and their dogs to spend time together and offer dogs a space for play and companionship with others.
Dog Park Clelia je park za pse gdje se psi mogu slobodno kretati bez povodnika, igrati i vježbati sa vlasnikom. Svaki dan pse izvodimo u šetnju, ali zbog zabrane vodjenja psa bez povodnika,psi se ne mogu kretati slobodno i kvalitetno socijalizirati sa drugim psima. Dog Park omogucava vlasnicima da provode vrijeme zajedno , i da se psi slobodno igraju i druže sa drugim psima. |
Dog park Clelia promote responsible pet ownership and the enforcement ot dog-control lows, give dogs a place to exercise safely, thus reducing barking and other problem behaviours, provide seniors and disabled owners with an accecible place to exercise their companions and provide an area for community-building socialisation.
Dog Park promice odgovorno vlasništvo jer smanjuje lajanje i druge probleme u ponašanju, te omogucava starijim i manje pokretnim osobama da provode kvalitetno vrijeme sa svojim ljubimcima. |
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natural surrounding in our three acre leash-free Dog Park Clelia.As
your dog bounds through the Park to greet his canine playmates you can
walk the trails or take a break on one of deck or patio benches for
humans . When it's time for dog and human to play, groomed natural obstacles
are provided or you can make your way to the open meadow for a game
of Frisbee or fetch the tennis ball.
Uživajte sa svojim ljubimcem u prirodnom okruženju našeg 3.000 m2 Dog Parka. Dok se vaš ljubimac igra sa svojim društvom , vi možete šetati ili se odmarati na klupama koje su napravljene za vas. Kada se poželite igrati sa svojim ljubimcem,možete vježbati na preprekama napravljenih od prirodnih i recikliranih materijala ili mu bacati lopticu ili frizbi.
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